We sat down with fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff to discuss her thoughts on the future of women in leadership.
Achievements of the Women’s Leadership Initiative in Sindh
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
HP+’s Women Leaders’ Initiative aims to strengthen women’s leadership, advocacy and accountability skills to effectively achieve outcomes; promote collaboration...
Women´s Leadership for Peace and Security, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
G40 Group of Women LEaders from the Horn of Africa present their recommendations for gender sensitive peace and security...
NFBCI Bible Study – Women In Leadership, Part 2
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
NFBCI Bible Study Women In Leadership: In The Church & The Bible, Part 2 Rev. Dr. Alexis L. Felder...
International Dialogue on Women in Leadership – Session 3
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
Session 3 on Monday 17 November 2014 of the International Dialogue on Women in Leadership in Brisbane, Australia. Keynote...
Fem-Nominal Women: Women Leadership Summit NYC
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
Feminomics spoke with Gloria Feldt and Susan Arnot Heaney at the Women’s Leadership Summit in NYC. They offered great...
2018 Women in Leadership Conference
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
Join the Institute for an inspirational daylong conference featuring remarkable women in government and public policy discussing the importance...
What Does Female Leadership Mean to You? – Women's Leadership Conference
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
As part of the Women’s Leadership Conference, we asked seven MBA candidates from the Carlson School of Management what...
Women in Leadership Platform
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
Ayesha Rekhi – Ambassador, Embassy of Canada source