JK's Synthetintelligence™, November 8, 2019November 8, 2019, Women's Leadership, 0 Thanks for joining us! For more Information visit us at… #VICTORYOUTREACH GIVE TODAY – source
+ WEBINAR: Investing in Women’s Leadership: Innovations from the Emerging Markets JK's Synthetintelligence™, December 18, 2020December 18, 2020, Women's Leadership, 0 The webinar hosted on Thursday, March 24, 2016 brought together two institutions that excel at building gender-diverse financial institutions...
+ Wedu Women's Leadership Academy in Cambodia JK's Synthetintelligence™, February 24, 2020February 24, 2020, Women's Leadership, 0 This is the first Wedu Women’s Leadership Academy in Cambodia and aims to enhance the participant’s leadership skills and...
+ Mentoring and Leadership for Medical Women – Supporting Women in Medicine Achieve their Goals JK's Synthetintelligence™, September 13, 2021September 13, 2021, Women's Leadership, 0 First MWIA webinar, on a planned series of further webinars on mentoring and leadership successfully launched on May 15,...
+ Beth Craig and Judge White Women in Leadership Positions JK's Synthetintelligence™, October 30, 2020October 30, 2020, Women's Leadership, 0 Beth Craig and Judge White Women in Leadership Positions source
+ Women and children killed in US raid targeting Daesh leader JK's Synthetintelligence™, April 22, 2022April 22, 2022, Women's Leadership, 0 US President Joe Biden applauded a military operation in Syria that killed 13 people, including six children, during a...
+ WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP – Caroline Karanja JK's Synthetintelligence™, December 21, 2020December 21, 2020, Women's Leadership, 0 source
+ Enhancing women's leadership for community development JK's Synthetintelligence™, September 15, 2020September 15, 2020, Women's Leadership, 0 Cameroon’s Model Forests actively promote the organization and leadership of rural women. In recent years, more than 90 micro-projects...
+ KIP Conference Day 2 – Women in the workplace: Leadership and career challenges JK's Synthetintelligence™, July 18, 2021July 18, 2021, Women's Leadership, 0 This panel gathers researchers from various disciplines who will be tackling elements of leadership and discrimination within the workplace,...