Jennifer Cook and Serena O’Hara from HobbiHub saw me speak earlier this year. They reached out to ask if they could spend some time with me to help grow their business.

I don’t normally take consultancy sessions outside of my own events but I knew this could provide some great content for fellow start up entrepreneurs and business owners.

If you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below and I’ll do my best to get back to you!



How To Grow Your Business:

Marketing Strategies:


If you’ve listened to one of my many podcasts or watched one of my videos you’ll be familiar with my passion to help business owners overcome some of their pain points.

Throughout my business journey I’ve met and helped countless entrepreneurs who:

– Don’t have time
– Don’t make the money they want to
– Dream of but don’t have a clear exit plan
– Struggle getting new customers into their business
– Are stuck in operations; running the business, not building it
– Continually fighting battle after battle

If this sounds familiar and you’re looking for help then these videos act as a helping hand.

I’m on a mission to help business owners change, from surviving to thriving, using all the experience, learnings, mistakes made and successes that have led me to my current businesses turning over £12 million and employing 400 staff.

At heart, I’m an entertainer who’s passionate about helping business owners. I speak at business conferences around the country and have set up a seminar business, teaching business owners and entrepreneurs how to Soar To Success.

I also love teaching people how to get more customers, how to keep them and at the same time build a business that literally works without them in it.

So if you’d like to build a business that gets more customers, makes more money and generates regular income then make sure you subscribe to my channel today.


Want to know more? Visit my website ►



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