Women Aren’t Leaders

Hello viewers! My name is Agata Galuzska, founder of Ultimate Confidence. I’m glad you’re here because I have something I want to get off my chest today. It may be a little controversial, but can we just talk about the fact that women aren’t leaders?

In the UK where I live, women occupy only about 22% of senior management roles. It must be because they aren’t meant to be leaders, right?

Well, that’s what society might have us think. But this is COMPLETELY FALSE! While women currently don’t occupy a fair share of leadership roles, I’m here to tell you we were meant to run those boardrooms just as much maybe even more so than men.

People have spent a lot of time and money researching the most important qualities of leaders, the gender gap, and the role it plays in the workplace.

A particular study by the Pew Research Center looked at what employees value in managers. Based on their survey. They identified the top qualities of leaders:
• Honest
• Intelligent
• Decisive
• Organized
• Innovative
• Ambitious

You know what’s crazy? None of those qualities is exclusive to men. Women can possess all of those qualities in glowing abundance. So why in the hell are so few women occupying the corner office?

Maybe men get more results?

Nope. I call bullshit on that, too.

Management style of men and women is undoubtedly different. But when it comes down to actual performance, difference in management style did not bear significant effect on results produced, AND there’s no concrete evidence to support that men are better leaders.

The biggest challenge for women as managers and executive level leaders isn’t in the actual leading part. It’s in being considered for leadership positions.

When women make it into leadership positions, they kick ass! But how do we break through that glass ceiling and claim the promotion?

That is why I am here



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