The British-American author, leadership expert & motivational speaker Simon Sinek expressed his opinion clearly:
“It is not that we need more female leaders, we need more leaders, who act like females and women have to be better at that.“ … “Leadership requires aggression and confidence, while at the
same time needs empathy and patience.”

The world economic forum predicts, it will take 202 years for women to achieve economic gender parity.
Dalai Lama made a point, when he said in an interview: „Please, give women leadership roles and please women accept them.“ He believes that Women can bring compassion and power together. One of his famous quotes: “The world will be saved by the western woman.”
My guests are three Top Leaders, who work at the German company Siemens. Looking at their profiles I am very impressed:
1. Nandani Lynton, Chief Transformation Officer, Gas and Power Services. She worked in over 40 countries, 6 continents and lived in 5 – a woman of great wisdom, intelligence & grace.
2. Nadja Haakansson, Regional Director Africa, Gas and Power Services. Casablanca, Bangkok, Stockholm, 2 sons – a woman of shining beauty, compassion & strength.
3. Gina Vargiu-Breuer, Global Head of Human Resources, Gas and Power. Orlando, Dubai, Erlangen, Philippines, Thailand, Berlin, Eichstätt – a woman of inspiring endurance, courage & insight.

Welcome to your Global Women Empowerment Channel
– in collaboration with Conscious Men –
„New Generation Women“ by Jeanine van Seenus

This channel is made for 40+ women & female leaders

• who feel called to come forward
• who feel called to take on leadership roles and speak
their voice of courage & love
• who are ready for a new love life
• who are ready to change stuck relationships
• who are ready to grow and become whole
• who are ready for second chances
• who are ready to see the juiciness of the abundant
chances & possibilities that come with 40+.

It is my intention to inspire 40+ women & female leaders to step into their genuine power and make a positive change & social impact in the world and in their own lives – based on love, not on fear.

‚Women with power can bring a compassionate revolution… It is often thought that women are more empathic and sensitive, and more receptive to the feelings of others … In this sense, women are models of humanity. We need women in positions of power. Accept leadership roles, for we need you to promote love and compassion.’ His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Netherlands, Sept. 14, 2018

His words were the last drop for inspiring me to dedicate my work in empowering women to come forward, to own their gentle strength and speak their voice of courage & love. Not because we are the weaker gender, but because we came with an inner drive to move humanity (relationships) forward using our innate power of wisdom, purpose & grace. The world needs those of us who hold and enable the space for other women to blossom so that humanity can come back into balance and will ultimately survive.

Courage is not of the mind. Courage is of the Heart

About me

Who are 21st century women?

New Generation Women

New Power System

The 10 New Power Principles

For those, who want to learn, grow & change

For Mothers & their Teen Girls

Girl Empowerment

Webinar: A New Consciousness of Balance & Success

Life Leadership Coaching

High-Performance Coaching
… to empower women to become Future Leaders & Role Models


Disclaimer: Some links may be affiliate links, which help support
Jeanine van Seenus to create content, however, Jeanine only promotes products that are meaningful, come from an integer source and all opinions are her own.




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