Session 1 on Monday 17 November 2014 of the International Dialogue on Women in Leadership.

Introduction by Master of Ceremonies Catherine McGrath, former ABC Asia Editor and Political Editor of the Australia Network.

Welcome addresses by Professor Bates Gill, CEO, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney and The Honourable Leneen Forde AC, Chancellor, Griffith University, former Governor of Queensland.

First panel on Women on the G20 Agenda: Looking Ahead to Turkey featuring E. Oya Özarslan, Chair, Transparency International, Turkey and Meryem Aslan, Director, UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, in conversation with Kevin McCann AM, Chairman, Macquarie Group.

Second panel on Women in Politics and Government: Alliances, Strategies and Power feauturing Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter (via video), President and CEO, The New America Foundation, Professor Jane Halton PSM, Secretary, Department of Finance, Australian Government, Sally Ranney, President, eraGlobal Alliance and
Hana Satriyo, Director for Gender and Women’s Participation, The Asia Foundation. Moderated by Virginia Haussegger AM, Journalist and Presenter, ABC TV, Adjunct Professor, Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis.



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