This is Catalina D. Flore of FitForTheTop™. Thank you for investing your time and energy to watch and receive my message.

You are about to learn how to develop your presence to have the impact you want and make a difference.

I am fascinated with why some leaders have an incredible presence, while others, who might have been technically brilliant, do not.

Do you remember a time in your life when you have witnessed a leader walking into a room and attracting the eyes on her or him. The energy in the room changes. Conversations stop and people turn their heads in the direction of that leader. They have the “it” factor.

This “it” factor i call it “leader’s presence.” Leader presence is a combination of her personality, physiology, competencies, skills, personal story, and something beyond evidence, her energy. When these combine in the right proportion in a congruent way the fire is ignited.

Based on my personal experience as a leader in my corporate career and afterwards as an Executive coach and agent of progress, having worked with many leaders in various countries, I have selected my top 5 areas to master in order to increase our leader’s presence. They apply to both men and women leaders. The last part of the video offers some deep questioning to women leaders.

Work can be done at various levels in those five aspects of presence.

If you want to develop your presence even more please go to www.fitforthetop.com or send me an email at info@fitforthetop.com to get you started.

Until next time stay well and be yourself because everyone else is taken.

Best, Catalina

Music royalty free:
Ashton Manor (incompetech.com)
Genre: Stings Collection:Aspiring
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0



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