Leaders from 13 Southern states, working in all sectors of agriculture, from environmental research to production agriculture, gathered in Athens, Georgia, for a daylong series of panel discussions, group work sessions and networking events focused on developing women’s leadership in agriculture and agriculture-related fields.

Descriptive Text

The video opens to a title slide then changes to a black and white photo of women sorting peaches then moves to a black and white photo of a woman on a tractor then continues to a black and white photo of women picking peaches.

The graphic of males and females in farming is added to the video then moves to a black and white photo of women in a garden then continues to women sitting around a table talking.

The video moves to a photo of the women on the panel then continues to a photo of a woman sitting and speaking then changes to a woman wearing a cowboy hat speaking.

The video continues to the Southern Region Women’s Agricultural Leadership Summit logo then changes to a panel of women on a stage talking then moves to a woman sitting and speaking.

The video changes to a woman behind a podium speaking then moves to women seated at tables talking then continues to a woman sitting and talking.

The video moves to an exhibit area showing exhibits and people talking then continues to a group of women seated at a tables talking then changes to show exhibits.

The video continues to two women in a laboratory talking then changes to a woman working in a laboratory then moves to women performing an experiment in a laboratory.

The video changes to a females sitting and speaking then moves to a woman walking through a greenhouse carrying a watering can then continues to a female working in a laboratory.

The video moves to a woman sitting and speaking then continues to the Southern Region Women’s Agricultural Leadership Summit logo then changes to a female and male walking through a garden carrying baskets of produce.

The video ends with logos for the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the Southern Region Women’s Agricultural Leadership Summit, and the UGA Women’s Leadership Initiative.

© 2016 University of Georgia
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
UGA Extension



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