
Richard Ditizio, Executive Director, Business and Program Development, Milken Institute

Margery Kraus, Founder and CEO, APCO Worldwide

Sallie Krawcheck, Former President, Global Wealth & Investment Management Division, Bank of America

Lauren Leichtman, Founding Principal and CEO, Levine Leichtman Capital Partners

Liz Claman, Anchor, Fox Business Network

Only 21 of the Fortune 500 CEOs are women, despite decades of professed work around diversity and efforts to grow the ranks of senior women in corporate America. With women accounting for more than half of college graduates, companies expend great energy trying to bring top female candidates into their organizations but are failing at creating paths to the C-suite. Some 40 years after the Women’s Movement, we seem mired in place. What isn’t working? Is the issue particularly acute on Wall Street, with its old boys’ network? How do we finally change the trajectory? Are there programs in finance that prepare the next generation of female leaders to assume greater responsibility? How can we entrench and replicate successful recruitment, retention and promotion programs, and how can we enlist men as agents of change? Join us for a solutions-based conversation.



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