女人迷編輯實際到 Verizon Media 國際事業董事總經理—鄒開蓮 的辦公室,想聽聽工作之餘,她是如何面對親密關係的摩擦,讓自己處在最平衡的身心狀態呢?
💡鄒開蓮的 #Tips
➰ 延伸閱讀:經營婚姻關係前,練習不是永遠都在挑對方的毛病!
🙌 女人迷專欄 #職場筆記
女人迷編輯實際到 Verizon Media 國際事業董事總經理—鄒開蓮 的辦公室,想聽聽工作之餘,她是如何面對親密關係的摩擦,讓自己處在最平衡的身心狀態呢?
💡鄒開蓮的 #Tips
➰ 延伸閱讀:經營婚姻關係前,練習不是永遠都在挑對方的毛病!
🙌 女人迷專欄 #職場筆記
Learn about the Olin Women in Business Scholarship from Natacha Arora, current MBA student and recipient of the scholarship....
Dr. Velma Brown-Hamilton, Attorney at Law and Managing Director of Caribbean Legal Suites, Law College of the Caribbean and...
Around the world, women play important roles in business. Either as bosses and high-ranking managers of international corporations, or...
Statistics continue to show that women are underrepresented in leadership positions across the design, engineering, and construction fields. Since...
Businesses with female leaders are 50% more profitable, yet most companies are not tapping into this gold mine. In...
In this week’s episode, we’re covering 8 girl boss habits every entrepreneur needs to get further faster! Liked this...
Learn about SBA’s Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting program, and how to use it to leverage your business! In...
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