The time has come to start seriously addressing issues of large-scale gender inequality in the church. We need to question why particular passages in the Bible discourage women from taking positions of leadership, and how these ideals influence gender inequality in other areas. If our goal is to reframe our thought processes on gender equality in relationships, education, and employment opportunities, we must be willing to identify and call out gender inequality in the church and explore the ways in which such inequality contributes to societal gender bias. Kierra Alderman is a devoted wife, nurturing mother of 4, and a true servant of God. Through her gift of ministry, she has worked diligently spreading the gospel message while drawing people to Christ. She completed her undergraduate studies with a BS Community Health with a concentration in biology, before moving on to complete her MHA in Healthcare Administration. She co-founded an Asthma Awareness program due to her son’s chronic battle with Asthma, as well as founded BOL Empowerment in an effort to uplift and encourage those who are suppressed. Kierra has served as a licensed Elder and minister since 2014. She holds a Life Coach, Mindfulness, as well as a Six Sigma Black Belt certification. Kierra is an advocate for equality and aims to be a voice for those who remain silenced. Through her website, Kierra has been able to encourage and uplift several women who have found themselves struggling with spiritual malnourishment. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at



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