The Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives prohibits use of the oral history interviews in any way that infringes on individual right to privacy or results in libelous statements or slander, in accordance with U.S. law. Copyright to the recorded interview(s) and/or subsequent transcript(s) of such remains with the Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives.

Credit as: Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives, Carolyn Greenberg Oral History Interview, August 8, 2019.

Carolyn Kaplan Greenberg was born on April 30, 1930. She served as board member of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, and the Women’s Department Advisory Service Council. Mrs. Greenberg was co-chair of Federation’s Centennial Celebration in 1999, president of the Women’s Campaign and Education Department, vice-president of Jewish Family Service, and vice-chair of Sinai Hospital. She is a member of the National Council of Jewish Women and of HIAS.
Through her activities in the Jewish community, she has been honored with the American Jewish Committee Human Relations Award, the Sylvia Simon Greenberg Young Leadership Award, and the Butzel Award.



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