Panel discusses how to get more women on corporate boards of directors and management committees. Studies show it helps raise the bottom line! Some US companies and countries like Norway, Spain, South Africa, Australia, and Germany are using a variety of tools to increase women participation in corporate and government leadership, but American companies generally lag behind. Moderated by Linda Tarr-Whelan, panel includes Sally D’Amato, Ursula Wynhoven, and Kathleen McQuiggen. Event at Demos June 13, 2011. Camera, edit, Joe Friendly
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Linda Tarr-Whelan is Demos Distinguished Senior Fellow, author of Women Lead the Way, served as Clinton’s Ambassador to the UN Commission on the Status of Women and Carter’s Assistant for Women’s Concerns, and is CEO of the Center for Policy Alternatives and Chair of the National Advisory Council for the Pax World Resources Women’s Equity Fund.
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Sally D’Amato is a Principal in the US Federal Practice of Deloitte, a major international consulting and accounting group of firms and leads their accounts in the US State Department and Millennium Challenge Corporation. She co-authored 2 of their studies, The Paths to Power: Advancing Women in Government and The Gender Dividend: Making the Business Case For Investing In Women.
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Ursula Wynhoven is General Counsel of the United Nations Global Compact Office, member of their Senior Management Team, leading their work on women’s empowerment, human rights and labor. An attorney in Australia and the US, she has worked for the Secretariat of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, on their Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
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Kathleen McQuiggen is President of Catalina Leadership, a strategic advisory organization focused on investing in women and a Senior Consultant to Pax World Global Women’s Equality Fund, managing their efforts to promote gender equality as an investment strategy. She formerly was a Vice-President at Goldman Sachs for institutional equity sales. She is Co-President of the Boston Chapter of 85Broads, a member of the Simmons SOM Women’s Initiative Forum, and active supporter of the National Council for Research on Women, “Women in Fund Management Report.”



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