Effectively delegating work to others is considered critical to managerial success, as it frees up managers’ time and develops subordinates’ skills. In this webinar Professor Akinola shares research highlighting that female leaders, as compared to male leaders, find it more difficult to delegate tasks due to gender-role incongruence. She also highlights practical strategies to help women overcome this gender difference in delegation.
Women’s Leadership Network Launch Event
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
Women’s Leadership Network Launch Event held on November 14, 2017 at Brooklyn Law School. source
'Women Should NOT Be In Position Of Leadership!' – @JennelleGordon On Women #shorts
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
#shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsvideos FaceTime or Ask Adam any questions on Want to get clear on your next 5...
Entrevista a Gloria Lorenzo, directora del programa Oracle Women´s Leadership
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
En el ICOT 2015 le preguntamos a Gloria qué le hizo fundar Oracle Women´s Leadership en 2009. ¡Descubre todos...
LEADERSHIP Attracts Women (The 80/20 Rule of Attraction)
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
► Watch “5 Things to Say BEFORE YOU KISS Her”: ► Download our FREE Conversation Cheat Sheet: What if...
A Leader Of Women's Rights | Susan B. Anthony | Biography
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
One of the most famous women in American history, she played a prominent role in the women’s suffrage movement;...
Yale SOM Executive Education: Women’s Leadership Program
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
Hear from past participants on their experience at the Yale Women’s Leadership Program, an Executive Education program that prepares...
2 Things Women Can Do To Be Better Leaders In The Workplace
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
WHY I MAKE THESE VIDEOS: I achieved a net worth of $100M by age 29. Our portfolio of companies...
Barbara Franklin on Women's Leadership and Philanthropy
JK's Synthetintelligence™, , Women's Leadership, 0
We hosted Barbara Hackman Franklin, former U.S. Commerce Secretary, on May 8, 2013 for a conversation with 140+ Greater...